Monday, October 10, 2011

A Visit

My university granted us a very short fall break last weekend, so I hit the great American freeway system and hightailed it over for a visit to OaG and the family.

The drive out on Thursday looked like this a great deal of the time (some combination of fog and/or construction barrels through all of western VA, WV and KY).

The fall colors were coming alive on base at Ft. Leavenworth, although it was unseasonably warm. We took in a couple of Leavenworth Pioneer football games...
... and spent a few hours at a farm/pumpkin patch/corn maze on Saturday.

I took more pictures, but they include the kids, and OaG and I haven't discussed the issue of pictures of the kids in this kind of public setting. So... maybe you'll see more... and maybe you won't ;-)

We made a little progress on the wedding during this time, too. Wedding bands are now ordered. The church has been walked-through. The reception space was scoped out.

All-in-all, it was a grand time. I really enjoyed spending the time with my hunky fiancee and
getting to know the kids a little better. I also got to meet more neighbors and friends from the school and church setting. I've always been blessed with fantastic friends through my life, and I feel like Ft. Leavenworth with continue that trend.

I will have one more visit out there, during Thanksgiving, before the wedding. That seems so far away, but I know how fast the time has been flying already. Wrapping up this semester and moving could take much, much longer anyway... I should be grateful for time.

By the way, is it just me, or did the new Facebook format just delete the way to import a blog as notes?

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